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1.   I have never directed for Kelvin before, can I direct a play?


You must have directed one rehearsed reading AND performed a significant production role before you can put forward a production you wish to direct. Your first full directing role for Kelvin must be a Black Box Production.  If you require clarification on this please speak to a member of the APC or the general committee (GC).


2.   When are the rehearsed readings?


They throughout the year but organised in the early part of the year and are advertised in the Jester in late spring. Alternatively there is the possibility of one off rehearsed readings through out the year, at times when they would not impact upon productions in rehearsal. Please contact the organisers Rick Procter or Christopher Warren to discuss.


3.   I have directed a rehearsed reading, taken on a production role and I want to direct a play?


You will need to complete a proposal form (which you can print from the website or get by contacting a member of the APC). Then send/give this, together with a many copies of the play as you have (the APC cannot supply copies of the play) to the Chair of the APC (or another member of the APC if this is easier). Alternatively you can place your proposal and play/s in the member’s post box in the Morris Room at Kelvin and let someone from the APC know it is there for collection.


Do read ‘Hints and Tips on How to Propose A Play’ to help you through the proposal process. As mentioned above your first full directing role for Kelvin must be a Black Box Production.


4.   What and when are the Black Box Productions?


The Black Box Productions normally take place once a year in one of the Kelvin slots (currently Feburary) and are especially tailored as a step up between a rehearsed reading and a full production. Black Box Productions are named because they will use the “Black Box” curtains in the studio space and will have minimal set, props and costume. Black Box productions are intended to be One-Act plays to allow more than one director an opportunity and we encourage the cast of one play to undertake technical roles for another.


5.   Can I direct any slot?


If you have only directed a Black Box Production then you can only propose for a full Studio production in the first instance. Once you have directed a successful studio production then you can propose a play for any venue in the Kelvin programme. Effectively, unless a slot has been specifically earmarked for an alternative venue or use, any slot is up for grabs.


6.   I have proposed a play, when will I hear?


The season is put together as soon as possible after the deadline for submissions. The APC try and meet as quickly after this date as possible to look at all the proposals and try and find a balance for the season.

You will, should the APC wish to hear more about your proposal, be invited to a “pitching” meeting.  This is an informal meeting where the APC ask you questions about your play, to help ‘put meat on the bones’... that is, get more detail about your proposal.  No play is selected for a season by the APC without a ‘pitch’ occurring.


On deciding the season, the APC must then gain approval from the General Management Committee.

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