Feb 3, 2023JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGHWord went out in one of our many WhatsApp groups recently for more volunteers to work on a show, and slowly apologies starting coming in...
Nov 30, 2022People PowerThe one thing that's always brought into sharp focus when you direct a play for Kelvin Players is the sheer number of people who are...
Oct 4, 2022The Value of a Third PlaceI recently fell down a metaphorical rabbit hole online, and learnt about the value of Third Places to society. A third place, for those...
Aug 4, 2022Making a standIn the woods behind my house there is a set of wooden steps that run down to the river. These are the typical sort of wooden steps that...
May 28, 2022Doing it for LoveThe end of the school year means another set of school reports for my children – celebrating their successes and hard work, and looking...
Mar 28, 2022Getting our mojo backMojo is an odd word, isn't it? I'm not sure I know what it means, but it's a word I've been hearing a lot lately. People keep telling me...
Feb 1, 2022Getting back in the swing of thingsIn the words of the Jackson 5: can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it? By 'it', I refer to the buzz around the club at the...
Oct 28, 2021Chair's Blog! Autumn 2021At the AGM last month, I was asked by a longstanding member what my vision was for Kelvin Players. Now that a ittle time has passed and...